
Spring for Sprinkles!

Ahhh!  Spring is in the air and there is nothing like enjoying the outdoors after a long winter of staying indoors!  Still, "April showers bring May flowers" and that means rainy days indoors with the kiddies as well!  While Baker's Confetti is tying up some loose ends and preparing for their grand opening, we have a great idea for adding a little bit of spring indoors on those rainy days!

It's raining out and the kids are sulking as they look out the window watching their sandbox fill up with rain.  It's indoors and we all know how the kids get restless.  What to do?  Why not try some Sprinkle Art?  That's right!  Consider purchasing some Sand Art Bottles at your local craft store or Sand Art Bottles - Small Bottle Assortment online and keep them on hand for such an occassion.  If you have some old spice jars to recycle, they can work too.  We've all had our children create sand art and oh how messy it can be! However, with multicolored sprinkles you can eat your mess!  Does it get much better than that?  You can even have them make their own blends to make their very own customized sundaes afterwards!  That should buy you an hour or two! 

Enjoy!  Oh, and please send us your photos!

Sweet Regards,

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